Things you should and should not do when online dating
- Oct 20, 2020
There are many things to consider when online dating. You have to keep a few things in mind to ensure you get a happy ending.
In this post, we’re going to tell you about dos and don’ts of online dating.
You should do:
- Keep a beautiful picture.
- Be yourself.
- Trust your guts
- Have an open mind
- Research more about online dating
You should not do:
- Don’t be fake
- Don’t rely on humor and pick up lines
- Don’t wait for others to message first.
- Don’t share too much personal information
- Don’t think too much if you get rejected a few times.
How to be safe on the first date:
- When you are meeting for the first time, choose a public place like restaurants.
- Tell your friends about the person you met in online dating, where you are going to meet them.
- Search about them on social media, google search. You never know what you are going to find.
- Use Safedate apps, which will inform your friends and family where you currently are.
- Drive yourself. Don’t choose to use the date’s transportation
- Carry pepper spray.
- Don’t be drunk.
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