So please help me find the"best" set-up for your own levels.
- Dec 3, 2020
Well, recently I have stumbled upon a Level 2 Clue Scroll, and its benefit made me a nice sum of RuneScape gold cash. Thing is, I wish to spend it on Armour and train for now. I have about 1.5M atm, with the subsequent levels and equipment. So please help me find the"best" set-up for your own levels. Thank you for some help.
I'm going to attempt fight caves in my levels so im not leveling a lot of approaches sop confused for greatest. Whats better guthas veracs helm manner so many, if any one can help and connect me to good guides and movies with best methods for me or the way you did fight cave im willing to devote 10m on armour ect although not 0ver 500k a trip if I was to die at jad. Also is it better to kill healers,line them up or run through jad to trap incase I can't run behinde italy stone fo safty to kill them without a jad.
I have been attempting to acquire a fire cape using 84 array and 76 def, first time that I used guthans with full sara and super reestablish but I fell short in wave 55 once I ran out of sara brews. I sold my guthans and bought, candies, verac, karils top and plan on going again HOWEVER: I wish to understand....the LEVEL 90 RANGERS kind of owned me once I DIDNT PRAY or later when they arrived with the . .what if I do? Can I pray against them? I am afraid I will be out of super restores though the first trip I had 0 sara, and 4 supers left in tide 55 when I died.
I've noticed something thats occurred. The new update theres a reception. However, before you log in it says..."free play blah blah blah" then associates and at the bottom it says the price of cheap OSRS gold members. I mean wtf. Why do they have there unless they require cash? Really think about it.
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