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In my own words:

NR501 Concept Analysis Matilda Linares-Cornejo Chamberlain College of Nursing

Concept Analysis (CA) is a common method for defining and exploring nursing concepts. However, there are a number of approaches developed in recent years that can make choosing the best [custom writing]( method difficult.

This article provides guidance in selecting a method that best aligns with the purpose and theoretical underpinnings of the concept being analyzed. Additionally, it identifies the most commonly used CA methods in recent years and their intended uses.


Nurses collect objective nursing data such as patient history, physical examinations, and lab results. This information helps them make diagnoses and treat patients.

Nurses can also use subjective data such as symptoms felt by the patient. This data can come from the patient, caregivers, or other team members.

Concept analysis is a method to recognize and define concepts (McEwen & Wills, 2011). Walker and Avant (2011) state that the steps of [NR501 Concept Analysis]( include the following: select a concept; determine the aims or purposes of the analysis; identify all uses of the concept; define attributes; identify a model case of the concept; determine consequences of the concept; and define empirical references of the concept.


One of the more challenging aspects of nursing is documenting and analyzing patient data in a timely manner. There are several factors that impact how much information can be culled from each patient encounter. Having a robust system in place to capture, store and report on this critical data is the key to successful patient outcomes. Luckily, there are several ways to go about this task, and one of the best is to implement a comprehensive and well-designed nursing report sheet. A well-designed and organized [nursing report writing](…sing/) should cover the basics, including patient demographics, medications, procedures and medical histories in a structured format. The most important part of the report is ensuring that all pertinent information is logged in a timely and accurate fashion. For example, if a patient is scheduled for an operation in the early hours of your shift, make sure to record that as part of your patient assessment.

Model Case

NR501 Concept Analysis Matilda Linares-Cornejo Chamberlain College of Nursing Theoretical Basis for Advance Nursing Practice

A model case is an example of the concept and demonstrates its defining attributes. According to Walker and Avant (2011), a model case is an important part of the concept analysis process because it provides an example to portray the concept to others.

The steps of concept analysis are as follows: select a concept; determine the purpose of the analysis; identify all uses of the concept; define attributes; identify a model case; identify borderline, related and contrary cases; identify antecedents and consequences; and define [NR 393 Week 2 Milestone 1](

The defining attributes of the concept of systems-based practice (SBP) include knowledge of the system, balanced decision between patients' need and system goals, effective role playing in interprofessional health care team, system level of health advocacy and acting for system improvement. Moreover, the concept of SBP has been defined as a competency which is one of the six competencies introduced by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) for physicians to provide high quality healthcare.


During the course of your nursing career, you'll likely come across a number of concepts that will be discussed and debated. The best way to find out what's important to you is to take an active role in the discussion.

As you'll see in your upcoming [NRS 493 Literature Review](, there are numerous advantages to learning and using the proper terminology. In addition to enhancing your communication skills and reducing errors, using proper terminology will help you succeed in your professional life.

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